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It can be an elusive goal, and one that is never achieved in a single moment. Sustained success is even more challenging to achieve, but infinitely more valuable. Winning in the marketplace invariably is the result of sustained effort, consistently applied over the long term.

World-class athletes spend countless hours training and sharpening their skills for competition. The artist hailed as a genius typically has honed his or her talent through numerous failures and accomplishments. The current technological wonder represents the work of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of engineers, technicians, and marketers. Michael Jordan, Pablo Picasso, and Steve Jobs all achieved enduring success in their respective fields, and they all had something in common... Staying Power.

Certainly all had natural talent and a vision, but to realize their potential and achieve their vision required careful planning and execution, adjusted and sustained over time. It required staying power.

STAY!NG POWER is a different kind of communications firm. STAY!NG POWER is here to be your partner in developing a powerful vision for your company – for your brand – and in turning that vision into reality. We know what sustained success is and what goes into achieving it. We have helped many brands -- both iconic and of the startup variety -- win over the long term.

And we look forward to helping you in achieving your sustained success.